So...I cut my hair REALLY short. For many of you, it may not seem like it's insanely short, but being that my hair has found itself somewhere about 2-3 inches past my shoulders since I was 12, taking about 6 inches off and going obviously ABOVE the shoulders was a big deal. Even my husband admitted to needing more than 1 day to adjust to the idea. All said, I like it and I'm pretty glad I did it. It was time for a change!
Also, just for fun here's me and baby girl at 26.5 weeks. I'm starting to freak out that she is less than 15 weeks away; I think mainly because we're much closer to 10 weeks than 20 now! Wow! In that picture I look much bigger than I thought I was, although there is also a part of me that sometimes feels like I barely look pregnant. It has to do with the fact that she's transverse, so depending on her mood and position she sometimes cuddles up very deep and closer to my back, which makes her less noticeable. Last week I went to my doctor and she is still a bit concerned that I have only gained about 5 pounds, but I know with Jackson that I gained the majority of my weight...and I got BIG with the end of my pregnancy. So, since she's measuring perfectly my doctor has agreed to not worry about the weight issue. BTW, for someone who has struggled with being overweight her entire life, its
so weird to have people worry that you aren't gaining enough!