Also, just for fun here's me and baby girl at 26.5 weeks. I'm starting to freak out that she is less than 15 weeks away; I think mainly because we're much closer to 10 weeks than 20 now! Wow! In that picture I look much bigger than I thought I was, although there is also a part of me that sometimes feels like I barely look pregnant. It has to do with the fact that she's transverse, so depending on her mood and position she sometimes cuddles up very deep and closer to my back, which makes her less noticeable. Last week I went to my doctor and she is still a bit concerned that I have only gained about 5 pounds, but I know with Jackson that I gained the majority of my weight...and I got BIG with the end of my pregnancy. So, since she's measuring perfectly my doctor has agreed to not worry about the weight issue. BTW, for someone who has struggled with being overweight her entire life, its so weird to have people worry that you aren't gaining enough!
Holidays Around the World Plans 2019
5 years ago
I love the hair cut! I did the same thing when I was getting close to my due date. I think I just felt so icky that I wanted to do SOMETHING.
Love it!
Oh...I love your hair!! And your belly....
I kept trying to comment this forever yet blogger wouldn't let me with my name- wierdos!!!
You look great pregnant!!
I didn't gain weight with Mason until the very end and then WOWZA did I- glad you are trusting your own instincts and not worrying.
Keep up the posts.
OH- only 8 more weeks til we find out what we are having- you know, besides knowing it's a baby:)
Isn't it crazy how fast the belly grows? I guess you need to post a picture EVERY week. I am 12 weeks and already very obviously pregnant- but this being my 3rd prolly helps that. I want a little girl. Plain and simple. I would adore a little boy and my love would be no less, but I have never done the girl side of things and since this is our last baby-I would really love to!! My intuition is telling me it's a girl and I am more moody with this pregnancy than my other 2 and hormone wise, that can mean a girl. I just really think it is! I can't wait to find out!
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