I know I'm blessed. I have 2 beautiful, intelligent, well behaved children who I live my life for. I have a husband who I love more than I did when I married him and who I am blessed to have known for almost my entire life. I live my life in situations I may not have planned, but I have a roof over my head, a college education and a job that means something. I have people in my own life who are dreaming of having beautiful babies of their own, and are struggling with the big NO that God keeps handing down. I watch loved ones struggle with crappy relationships, searching for someone who loves them just they way they are. There are people who have been told today that a loved one isn't going to make it, or isn't coming home, and for them it is more that just one of those days.
So, instead of snapping at Jackson when he yells "mom, come see this" for the millionth time I am going to try and rest in his creative ideas and that he desperately loves his mom and wants to make her proud. When Elliette tells me NO or tests any other toddler limit, I am going to try and remember that independence is a good thing, and that she is so uniquely herself. When I feel overwhelmed with the laundry I will feel thankful that I have a washer and dryer to clean those clothes, and a dishwasher to wash that pile of dishes. When I am annoyed with my husband, I will be thankful that he comes home, happy to see me even when I'm not happy to see myself. And when all else fails, I will pour myself a Dr. Pepper and look at pictures of these faces and smile, because today is one of those days, but tomorrow is a brand new adventure...
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